Asbestos Aftermath of Dundee Fire

by CCUK Support
A building survey carried out on a Dundee industrial unit that later caught fire and burnt down was unable to identify asbestos in the property.
The owner of the unit, Imram Amin, said that he was unaware of the material being located anywhere in the building and in the one-page report supplied to the police it stated that the deadly material was not used in the building’s construction. If asbestos is found in any commercial property in the UK it should be logged and regularly checked.
Mr Amin also said “I sent the report, which said there was no asbestos, to the police in the morning the day after the fire started…. We are devastated by the fire. The price will be double to clean it up because of the asbestos…. It’s looking at about £300,000 to remove it all but our insurance should cover everything.”
According to Regulation 4 of the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012, the duty holder of a non-domestic premises should take reasonable steps to find out if asbestos containing material (ACM) has been used in a building. If duty holders don’t have a plan to deal with asbestos and put it in action, they could face a fine of up to £20,000 and imprisonment for up to 12 months. Police Scotland and the Health & Safety Executive (HES) have confirmed they are not investigating this issue.
It hasn’t been made clear why the level of the carcinogen found in the roof cement hadn’t been noted before the blaze. The then leads to the possibility of it being found elsewhere in the building such as in pipe insulation, which has been shown to have a higher risk to health.
Authorities are currently looking into the cause of the fire and have not yet ruled out arson.
You can find out more in this article:
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